SERIOUSLY. The Bible says so. This is the worlds most published book so it must have gotten at least something as HUGE as this correct. Right?
Let's not argue about the Bible. It says a bunch of things that I may or may not agree with. Since today is Easter I thought I'd use some hippity-hoppity themes like the RESURRECTION of JESUS CHRIST.
BUT FIRST... MY DISCLAIMER!!! I am not a Priest. The farthest up the Catholic chain of command I have gotten up to was Communion. I had my first sip of wine in Church and it tasted like piss. I don't believe in Confession. Why should I confess my sins to a priest when I can just open my mind and heart and communicate with God myself. When I go to Church I go for the communion of COMMUNITY... not to have some old guy who's never had sex to tell me how to live MY life... BUT I DIGRESS. I am not a NUN, not a Pastor, not a Reverend. I have never been ordained by any Church... nor do I think any would ever have me. I HARDLY EVER GO TO CHURCH. I do not hold any degrees in Religion or Philosophy. I am not a scholar of religion.
And so are you. HE is a metaphor for LIFE. HE is a symbol. If you boil down most of HIS teachings you will find the SIMPLE themes of LIVING, GIVING and LOVING. For the next three weeks I am going to visit these three themes and hopefully I won't be TOO blasphemous about it.
TODAY I write about LIVING.
"On the first day of the week, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the tomb
with the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been
rolled away from the tomb, but on entering discovered that the body of the
Lord Jesus was not there. As they stood there not knowing what to think,
two men in brilliant clothes suddenly appeared at their side. Terrified, the
women lowered their eyes. But the two men said to them, "Why look among
the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here; he has risen.
Remember what he told you when he was still in Galilee: that the Son of
Man had to be handed over into the power of sinful men and be crucified,
and rise again on the third day?" And they remembered his words.
When the women returned from the tomb they told all this to the Eleven
and to all the others. The women were Mary of Magdala, Joanna, and Mary
the mother of James. The other women with them also told the apostles,
but this story of theirs seemed pure nonsense, and they did not believe
Peter, however, went running to the tomb. He bent down and saw the binding cloths but nothing else; he then went back home, amazed at what had happened."
Peter, however, went running to the tomb. He bent down and saw the binding cloths but nothing else; he then went back home, amazed at what had happened."
-Luke 24:1-12
To paraphrase... Three days ago Jesus was crucified by a bunch of asshats and put into a tomb without much fanfare. Three of the women DISCIPLES decide to anoint the body of Jesus with the proper care as was fitting for HIM. They go to the tomb of Jesus and see that this HUGE BOULDER has been lifted away from the opening. They look in and freak out when the find that the body of Jesus is missing. ANGELS APPEAR and laugh at them heartily as only Angels can. The women practically faint at their beauty. These Angels ask these women, "Why are you looking for LIFE in a place for the DEAD. Jesus is NOT HERE. He is ALIVE. HE TOLD YOU HE WOULD COME BACK! Don't you remember that one time in Galilee when He told you that He was the Son of God and that He would be betrayed and given to really bad guys who would have Him crucified? REMEMBER THAT? Yeah... that crucifixion stuff was bloody and uncalled for. Do you remember THE MOST IMPORTANT PART? No? Well... He said that HE WOULD RISE AGAIN on the THIRD DAY. It's the THIRD DAY ladies. He's not here..."
The part of this gospel that I really want to focus on is what the "two men in brilliant clothes" say:
"Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here; he has risen."
Do not DWELL in DEATH. RISE and MEET YOUR FULL POTENTIAL!!! Too often do I see good friends and family members DWELL IN DEATH. DEATH equals BOREDOM, DEPRESSION, STUPID STRESSES, UNHAPPINESS, THE PAST and THE FUTURE. Live in the PRESENT! LET GO OF THE SHIT!!! Getting yourself out of the rut, hole and/or sewer you are in doesn't have to be as DRAMATIC as Jesus. It may be painful as CHANGE can sometimes be. You don't have to do it alone. Look to your Friends. Look to your Family. If all else fails... JESUS CHRIST! ... look to your Faith.
Do not search for or hold onto PEOPLE WHO ARE DEAD. Read between the lines here, folks. Go with the theme of METAPHORS. Cut out the people, ideas, THINGS that are KILLING YOUR SPIRIT.
You could also read this statement for what it is. Death is the one thing that we ALL have in common. I went to a Presbyterian Church this morning and learnt about Three ways to Handle Death.
I will revisit this topic on Thursday.
YOU are a LIVING, BREATHING, VIBRANT individual. Live your life with VIBRANCE and clothe yourself in BRILLIANCE like those ANGELS. JESUS CHOSE to RISE and so should you.
Love and Happy Hippity Hop,
Cousin Pili
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I GOT CANDY! Happy Easter! |