My little cousin, Chelsea, has asked me to be a health and wellness coach for her and my other little cousin, Kristian. I was in a codeine induced stupor when she asked and I said, "Yes." (Read on to find out why I had to take codeine) I am going to write a bi-weekly blog. on Sundays I will write on HEALTH and on Thursdays I will write on HAPPINESS.
So... here is my disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a psychologist. I am not affiliated with any sort of health industry. You are reading this blog with the full knowledge that Pilialoha K. Nathaniel is not authorized by any school, institution or government to give health and medical advise. If you follow any advise in this blog it is at your own discretion and at your own risk. Okay? Nod if you agree. If you read anything past this paragraph that means you have nodded and you agree.
Here goes...
It is the middle of FLU SEASON and I have just spent HALF of my vacation in NYC sick with the FLU. I was actually supposed to be back in Hawaii on January 11 but my cough was so bad that I rescheduled my flight for a week later. Even as I write this I feel clammy, sweaty and I am coughing up what is left of my right lung. You should see the pretty green colors that are coming up...
I know you are already asking yourself, "What does this sick chick think she is doing writing a Health and Wellness Blog?" Read on.
1. I got sick on vacation.
2. I DO NOT have health insurance.
3. I DID NOT see a doctor immediately.
Let us learn from Cousin Pili...
Number One. GET HEALTH INSURANCE!!!! I know this isn't actually number one but I'm not following the numbers. Get health insurance! Get health insurance that you can travel with. Because I didn't have health insurance I had to pay $115.00 just to have a doctor tell me I have the FLU. Then the added cost of the PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE:
Albuterol Inhaler (I couldn't breathe): $80
Doxycycline Hyclate (Antibiotic): $15
Prometh/Codeine Syrup (best medicine ever!): $30
Zyrtec-D (generic-worked VERY WELL): $20
Tylenol: $6
Advil(Tylenol wasn't working): $6
NyQuil (didn't work): $6
AlkaSelzer (didn't work): $8
Cough Drops: $5
Robitussin 12oz (I ran out of codeine): $10
So... Had I gone to the DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY I would have saved myself most of the non-perscription costs. Had I had INSURANCE I would have saved on the cost of the doctors visit AND my PRESCRIPTIONS. Instead your Cousin Pili spent THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS on being sick.
So... now you are either saying, "Duh, Pili. I have insurance." And to those, much smarter than me, friends and family members I say GREAT!!! Thanks for reading! Come back in a few days when I talk about something that will actually help you! BUT... if you are saying, "Well... considering the premium for decent insurance runs at around $150.00 a month... paying out $300 is not too bad... and I don't want to pay! You can't MAKE ME, Pili!!!!" To you I say this: What if you are walking across the street and you get hit by a car. The car takes off (the driver didn't have insurance.) and leaves you broken and bloody on the street. You're not dead but your dreams of being financially stable are:
I'm going to let my good friend, "The Washington Post" speak for a moment...

This graphic (Thank you again to The Washington Post) is only the cost of ONE BROKEN ARM in 2006. Please please please go get HEALTH INSURANCE.
Life, Happiness, Love, Family.
Cousin Pili
On the block for Thursday: Happiness and Food.
Pictured below: The ingredients for Portuguese Sausage Meatballs. Recipe on Thursday.
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