"Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week."
~Spanish Proverb
"Procrastination is my sin. It brings me naught but sorrow. I know that I should stop it. In fact, I will - tomorrow!"
~Gloria Pitzer
~Gloria Pitzer
"Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end you're only screwing yourself."
~Author Unknown
MY FAMILY, FRIENDS and those awesome people who have decided to stop on by...
CRASTINATION: is from the LATIN word "crastinus" or "of to-morrow", from cras to-morrow.]
PROCRASTINATION: a putting off till to-morrow. [Obs.]
So basically what answers.com is telling me is that "PRO"crastination is a POSITIVE thing. I am PRO- TOMORROW!!! I am PRO-FUTURE! By being a PROCRASTINATOR I am actually a positive person who may not get things done BUT HEY at least I am POSITIVE that the FUTURE WILL BE A BETTER PLACE!!!
...and here is my disclaimer...
My name is Pilialoha K. Nathaniel: I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a psychologist. I am not affiliated with any sort of health industry. You are reading this blog with the full knowledge that Pilialoha K. Nathaniel is not authorized by any school, institution or government to give health and medical advise. I am a WRITER. I take words and put them into sentences that you may (or may not) UNDERSTAND or AGREE WITH. If you follow any advise in this blog it is at your own discretion and at your own risk.
Okay? Nod if you agree.
If you read anything past this paragraph that means you have nodded and you agree.
We are going to talk about PROCRASTINATION. It haunts us all in our MANY, EVERYDAY facets of our life. Well... maybe not ALL of us... there are the select few that are just powerhouses of WORK ETHIC. IF you are ONE of these few people... please continue reading so that you may see what the rest of us are dealing with.
You are being lazy!!!
"BUT PILI," you POUT, "I cleaned my apartment, I went to work, I checked and cleaned out my e-mail, I went grocery shopping, I did THIS, THAT and THE OTHER THING..."
Or you bristle with ANNOYANCE, "I'M SOOOOOOOO BUSY! My boss at work has me doing this thing that takes up all my time... The kids are taking up sooo much of my time... My husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/dog/cat/fish/bird/orangoutang... has me doing all these things BUT I really want to do that other thing but I just can't... and then I'm sooooo tired..."
Ok. Fine. Sure. Life gets in the way. I get it. Then love your life as it is. If you believe you have reached the pinnacle of where your life is supposed to be then be content and love the life you are living.
How do I know? Because... SO AM I.
I have two examples to share. HEALTH and FITNESS and CAREER. I guess thats really three, but whatever. Let me give you MY EXAMPLE first because it leads nicely into the other.
Career. I AM a WRITER. I have a BLOG that I love writing!!! I have short stories!!! I have IDEAS for books!!! I have a NOVEL that I want EVERYONE to READ!!!
Have I finished said Novel?
No. Practically...
Am I working on it everyday?
No... Well... Does it count if I am THINKING about it everyday?
No. I should be. I have made excuses that I am too busy or too tired or I need to clean my apartment.
Why haven't I finished it?
I procrastinate.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WRITERS BLOCK. Writing is a CAREER! A CREATIVE CAREER!!! When a mason is building a foundation for a house, he doesn't NOT put in ALL the concrete blocks because he had to clean his house. If the mason built a foundation that had holes in it... the house would fall down. A surgeon doesn't stop in the middle of a surgery to play a video game. A Stock Broker can't be watching "Game of Thrones" in the morning. He'd be out of work!
I know some of those examples may be out of place but think of it this way... books change lives. Look at the Bible. It is a book filled with short stories. It has CHANGED LIVES. Look and SHAKESPEARE. He wrote plays that changed the landscape of theatre. I am not saying I'm a Shakespearean Playwright who is going to rewrite GENSIS or the PSALMS... but I can hope to at least make a small difference in the way people view the world.
And I can't do that by MAKING excuses.
Does any of this mirror what YOU are going though. Is there something that you desperately want that you haven't quite obtained. Is the a DREAM or GOAL that is just out of your reach?
Are you doing EVERYTHING in your power to obtain IT?
"That doesn't make ANY sense, Pili!!!" You scoff at me.
Doesn't it?
YOU are YOUR own BLOCK. YOU can tear away the BLOCKAGES in your life BY being...
PRO-TODAY! PRO-RIGHT NOW! PRO-JUST DO IT! Be PRODUCTIVE! If you want to be healthier and fit and happier then BE THAT WAY STARTING RIGHT NOW.
NOT TOMORROW. You WILL NOT procrastinate. You will not put-off yourself or your goals until tomorrow. You are responsible for creating TODAY as the DAY you believe in YOURSELF, YOUR HEALTH and YOUR DREAMS.
I will not be a procrastinator. I am a WRITER. I will write EVERYDAY.
-Cousin Pili
For some of my short stories go to http://monkeymonsterthoughts.blogspot.com. Have a great time loving life and making your dreams become reality.
I could come up with a hundred excuses- as you mentioned - but you speak the truth. Love this post!
Make excuses to do better. Make excuses to work harder. Make excuses to love more!!! Mahalo for reading and commenting Melissa!
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