It's been many moons since I've written anything so please bear with me. My beautiful "pupule" son is at my boobie happily chomping away as I try to type this with my one free thumb on my phone. I've missed it here. I've missed writing and I'm getting back into it with a vengeance!
At least as vengeful as a one thumbed writer can be.
At least as vengeful as a one thumbed writer can be.
Today's blog will be a hodge podge of items...
1. a book review. Comic book to be exact. This comic will also be stuffing a few stockings so watch out for that!
2. some rambling. Things have happened in the months that I've let this blog take a long naptime. I'm gonna ramble. Probably mostly about my son. I'll introduce you to him in a later blog.
3. a voice clip I should have posted on Thanksgiving. Instead think of it as an early Christmas present!
"The ZooHunters: Issue One: Adagio For Her Kels" story and art by Peter Steigerwald.
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photo by Andria Angott |
BORN AND RAISED IN HAWAII!!! He went to Mid Pacific Institute on Oahu. His first major gig was with Top Cow where he and a few other artists banded together and started Aspen Comics. Mr. Steigerwald has also done work for DC, Image and Marvel comics.
Warning here... Spoiler Alert! Just a little bit though.
"For my mother- who took me to zoos and taught me art... And who never got to see this."
The authors dedication is a heart shattering mirror, a somber preamble to the events of this book. As a newly minted mother, my son is four months old, I never want to imagine leaving him. I want to be there for all his triumphs. I want to be there when he falls and I want to teach him to pick himself back up. I never want to leave him.
This Comicbook has touched the mother in me. It made my soul ache for Ty, the young hero of this story. The first page is a stark, sterile fog. The movement of the page gave me a feeling of being this little boys mother... Seeing him trapped in a hospital room with only a journal for comfort.
Although I am getting all motherhoody all over this blog page... It is the Father figure who must stand strong in this story. This issue is about two men, a son and his father, who must over come losing the most important person in their lives. They must navigate the strange fathomless ocean of space to hunt and capture wild animals for intergalactic zoos. This comic has the makings of a wonderous new universe of beings and languages (Mr. Steigerwald gives his Hawaii roots a nod here... See if you can find it!).
The art. Wow. Much of the comic work in today's market are done my a host of artists and a writer. This book was penned, inked and colored by Mr. Steigerwald. He probably would have done the lettering as well if he had the time!!! Plus Josh Reed (the is just amazing at his job. Mr. Steigerwald is one of a handful of creators that has done work at this scale. And really... The art is phenomenal. As I am not an art major and I haven't drawn anything since my high school art class... I can't give a well drawn explanation except that it's really really awesome. The movement, the life of the inks, the colors and the story is so well moulded into an incredible book. I can't wait to get my hands on issue two!!!
If Santa doesn't slide one of these books into your stocking you can grab a copy at:
and follow Peter at
and follow Peter at
So... I tried to put my son down halfway through that review... But alas... It was not to be. He likes to have easy access to his main food supply. Instead I put him back to sleep and cut his little fingernails. And that was my break time.
I hope you liked the first half of this blog... now for the heart of this piece...
The reason I am tying in thanksgiving... Other than the fact that I didn't (but meant to) post that day... And motherhood and writing ... Is ...
The reason I am tying in thanksgiving... Other than the fact that I didn't (but meant to) post that day... And motherhood and writing ... Is ...
My Grandma.
Mr. Steigerwald dedicated his book to his Mom. My Grandmother was the MOM of our family. I miss her everyday. And everyday I can here her telling me to get on with my writing. Get on with telling everyone my stories.
I miss your phone calls Grandma. I miss how you made me feel like I was with you and not 6000 miles away. I miss how you would call JUST TO CHECK on me. I miss how you would get angry on Facebook if I didn't automatically call you back.
I wish you would call to check on your great grandson. I know you can see him from heaven. I know you hold him and sing to him in his dreams. I know he can see you even when I can't.
But I'm selfish.
I wish you were still with us in this life to meet your first Great Grandson. I know you would have been on the first plane over after he was born. I know you would have stayed with me and held our baby in your arms.
He is so beautiful, Grandma.
So Grandma... I'm writing again. Even though it's with one thumb (now I'm using my left one) I still writing. Even though my your great grandson won't sleep in his crib and wants to eat every twenty minutes... I'm writing.
I'm writing because one day my son will grow up and I won't beable to hold him the way I do now.
I'm writing because I want to.
I'm writing.
I'm also posting. I have a present for you, dear reader... Well for my family and friends and people who knew my grandma. This is a "Hau'oli Gobble Gobble" Early Christmas present.
I didn't pick up my Grandmas calls automatically because I wanted her to leave a message. I saved those messages...
Hau'oli Gobble Gobble everyone.
Love you Grandma. Please give Peter Steigerwald's Mom a hug from him.
Love you Grandma. Please give Peter Steigerwald's Mom a hug from him.
Love you all,