I was just told by my OB that I am fat.
Well... not in those words exactly. She said, in a very caring and professional manner, I am gaining too much weight and I need to cut back on carbs and sugar. I need to eat smaller portions throughout the day. I need to drink more water. I've gained more than 40lbs during this pregnancy which could be unhealthy for the baby. She wants me to cut back for the health of me and my baby.
But all my brain heard was... "Pili, you are fat. You are Over-weight and Ugly."
Brains are amazing things, aren't they. Instead of hearing the encouraging words from the man I love. Instead of hearing him tell me how beautiful I am. Instead of listening to his kind loving words, I heard this:
"Pili, you can't get pregnant. If you get pregnant then you'll be FAT."
Do you know how many times that was drilled into me in the past? Enough to make a lasting impression, I guess. I didn't realize the toll that had taken on me until today. I thought I had gotten over that. I thought I was over this crap. I was seriously almost to the point of tears. There are recesses of my brain that are still pretty messed up. When the doctor told me that I was gaining too much weight and that I needed to cut back, all I heard was a nasty voice in my head telling me that ...
I am fat.
AAAAANNND... this is where I switch gears and I try to yank myself out of this funk. But first... My big, fat disclaimer.
I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a psychologist. I am not a counselor. I am not affiliated with any sort of health industry. I AM A big, fat, fatty pregnant girl who tends to ramble. You are reading this blog with the full knowledge that Pilialoha K. Nathaniel is not authorized by any school, institution or government to give health and medical advise. If you follow any advise in this blog it is at your own discretion and at your own risk. Okay? Nod if you agree. If you read anything past this paragraph that means you have nodded and you agree.

"Are you anorexic? Are you eating? Are you okay?"
Of course I gave her all sorts of excuses, all the same excuses that Iʻd been giving everyone all year. But I knew deep down that I was sick and unhappy. Iʻm smiling in this pic because I am standing with a very awesome friend of mine and her son. But as you can see... I have NO BUTT. If you want more of the story you can go to an older bloggy of mine: IM STARVING!!!
A person very close to me once said, "Pili, you canʻt get pregnant because youʻll get fat if you do." I still think about that statement and a multitude of others concerning my weight. It still fucks with my head. Those comments. They were from someone I loved. Sometimes itʻs the words of your loved ones that leave the deepest scars.
Thatʻs my Cousin Kalei and my Aunty Jane. They were worried. They almost threw me into the trunk of their rental car when they came to visit me in NYC. I was so unhealthy and small.
I KNOW I have NEVER been even close to over-weight. I have always had a high-metabolism. I also found out a few months after this picture was taken that I am hypoglycemic. Not only did I have a lower than average blood sugar it also meant that I HAD TO EAT MORE to stay healthy. Go figure... my Dadʻs been telling me that for ages.
I love my Mom and Dad. They, along with my entire family and a few supportive friends brought me back to myself...
... A few months later I was at about 116 lbs and I finally saw a Doctor. There was no more excuses and no more abusing myself. I had to get healthy. My cousins convinced me to this blog and I was on my uphill journey.
I really am proud of myself. Through eating RIGHT, an AWESOME exercise program and simply being me, being HAPPY and being around those that not only make me happy but promote my happiness ... I found myself again.
In October of 2013 I did Tough Mudder with a bunch of crazy cats. This was totally out of my comfort zone and not something I would have ever thought to do... for more on Tough Mudder go here: TOUGH MUDDER!!!!
And then a month later... I was PREGNANT!!!!
Iʻm PREGNANT with a very healthy, KICKING (He has found my bladder and loves to head-butt it) BABY BOY!!!

So... I need to take my doctors advice. I need to cut back on the Bad Carbs and Bad Sugars. I need to eat more salads and protein. I need to eat smaller, more frequent meals. I need to not beat myself over the head because of my past. I need to listen when the people I love remind me that I am beautiful. I need to stay happy and healthy for my very active, very strong baby boy.
I wish I could explain how strong he is. It is an amazing and humbling feeling to have this beautiful being growing inside me. I love how relentless he is in his movements and kicks. I love the excitement of waiting to meet him.
I will not let anything deter me from having an awesome pregnancy experience.
I just need to lay off the chocolate pudding and butter rolls for awhile.
Thank you for reading and helping me to get out of my funk. I still feel HUGE but HAPPY.
Love, aloha and protein,
Happy Nathaniel