This is HAPPY NATHANIEL... Better known as Pilialoha Nathaniel or PILI. I am reinstating this blog and taking it back to its origins of HEALTH and HAPPINESS!!! Thank you to everyone who has followed me and to everyone who will follow!!!
But before we begin... a disclaimer:
I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a psychologist. I am not affiliated with any sort of health industry. You are reading this blog with the full knowledge that Pilialoha K. Nathaniel is not authorized by any school, institution or government to give health and medical advice. If you follow any advice in this blog it is at your own discretion and at your own risk. Okay? Nod if you agree. If you read anything past this paragraph that means you have nodded and you agree.
FIRST bit of advise I am going to give to you today: GO GET A PHYSICAL!!! I know you are SOOOOOOO BUSY! And... you should NEVER be too busy to take care of yourself. Life is too short and with that short bit of life we have to live on this earth we should do it HEALTHY!!! So... go get a physical!
SECOND: This is not advice but a disclosure. I had my son a little over nine months ago. HE IS AMAZING. HE MAKES ME SO HAPPY. MY LIFE IS AMAZING!!! That being said... I have been...
... not my usual self.
Im not depressed. I am not suffering from Post-Partum Depression. But my doctor said I have Dysthymia. Go ahead and read what wikipedia has to say about it by clicking on the link I provided ... but it sounds worse than how I FEEL it is.
SO... what am I going to do about it? ME TIME!!! Serious. No drugs. No psychiatrist. The doctor prescribed more ME time and I need to exercise at least 150min a week and do things that make ME ME ME happy. I never realized how hard having time for ME was. Having a child changes EVERYTHING. Everything becomes AMAZING and amazingly difficult... if you let it. So I AM NOT GONNA LET IT!!!
-This is ME time. When I write, I will write for ME (and you).
-I will get back to running... remember when I could run 13 miles? Yeah... I need to get back to that. I think a half-marathon is in my future
-AND I will ... What do you think I need to do?
THIRD: I am ALMOST back to my pre-preggo weight!!! How will I get back into my STRONG pre-preggo body??? Exercise and ADVOCARE!!!
Do you want to join us??? Let me know!
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My love. My support. My beautiful family. |
Happy Nathaniel!
NEXT BLOG... Something about parenthood and what they DONʻT tell you until itʻs too late... Like... pointing the DING DING DOWN in the diaper. I KNOW its sounds like common sense but ... well ... welcome to parenthood.
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