I finally dusted off the expensive runner stroller I got for just this type of thing. The stroller works like a charm. It was so much fun running with him. Like pushing along my own little cheer squad!
The run I did was in support of Contact We Care, a group dedicated to Suicide Prevention.
But before I go on... My disclaimer:
I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a psychologist. I am not affiliated with any sort of health industry. You are reading this blog with the full knowledge that Pilialoha K. Nathaniel is not authorized by any school, institution or government to give health and medical advice. If you follow any advice in this blog it is at your own discretion and at your own risk. Okay? Nod if you agree. If you read anything past this paragraph that means you have nodded and you agree.
Youʻre still reading???
THANK YOU! You are awesome.
Contact We Care (click on link for more info) is "devoted to promoting emotional wellbeing and preventing emotional crises by providing opportunities for people to express themselves to compassionate listeners in a safe environment. We respond to the need for human interaction and create opportunities for people to help each other. We offer training to people and organizations in the listening skills needed to support those in crisis."
They are a part of a bigger organization called: CONTACT USA.
PLEASE... Depression... no matter what form... can be a deadly disease. Look for the signs that your loved ones need help. Even if they won't take it from you give them the info for this organization. Please donʻt wait until itʻs too late... As one of the organizers said, "They are full of good people who listen with their Hearts."
To my friends and family and YOU. Yes. YOU. If you need someone to talk to... call me. Text me. Email me. If you donʻt know me or think I suck or just donʻt think I could help you... PLEASE call someone who CAN help. Please call these people.
Please read my last blog for my update on my own mental/physical wellbeing.
This run has jump kicked my butt into gear! Iʻve also started my nutritional supplements from AdvoCare!!! I feel awesome!
But itʻs a good hurt. I did some yoga after the run and probably pushed myself too hard by trying to do backbends. Yeah... probably not a good idea. But I am NOT as SORE as I usually am after a workout like that. I credit that to the recent uptick in vitamins, minerals and just plain awesome goodness of AdvoCare.
So... What have I learned?
1) Ask for Help.
2) Listen with Heart.
3) Exercise is great for my COMPLETE wellbeing.
3.5) Running for a great cause makes EVERYTHING so much better!
3.75) Running with my son made my heart happy!
4) Make sure to feed my body right!!!
5) Donʻt do backbends until I get better at yoga again...
Happy Nathaniel
I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a psychologist. I am not affiliated with any sort of health industry. You are reading this blog with the full knowledge that Pilialoha K. Nathaniel is not authorized by any school, institution or government to give health and medical advice. If you follow any advice in this blog it is at your own discretion and at your own risk. Okay? Nod if you agree. If you read anything past this paragraph that means you have nodded and you agree.
Youʻre still reading???
THANK YOU! You are awesome.

They are a part of a bigger organization called: CONTACT USA.
PLEASE... Depression... no matter what form... can be a deadly disease. Look for the signs that your loved ones need help. Even if they won't take it from you give them the info for this organization. Please donʻt wait until itʻs too late... As one of the organizers said, "They are full of good people who listen with their Hearts."
To my friends and family and YOU. Yes. YOU. If you need someone to talk to... call me. Text me. Email me. If you donʻt know me or think I suck or just donʻt think I could help you... PLEASE call someone who CAN help. Please call these people.
New Jersey local hotline
number is
(908) 232-2880
New Jersey local hotline
number is
(908) 232-2880
Text: "CWC" to 839863
Monday through Friday from 4-10pm
CONTACT We Care is also
a member of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. We are the primary responder in New Jersey
to calls made to
800-SUICIDE and
a member of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. We are the primary responder in New Jersey
to calls made to
800-SUICIDE and


This run has jump kicked my butt into gear! Iʻve also started my nutritional supplements from AdvoCare!!! I feel awesome!
But itʻs a good hurt. I did some yoga after the run and probably pushed myself too hard by trying to do backbends. Yeah... probably not a good idea. But I am NOT as SORE as I usually am after a workout like that. I credit that to the recent uptick in vitamins, minerals and just plain awesome goodness of AdvoCare.
So... What have I learned?
1) Ask for Help.
2) Listen with Heart.
3) Exercise is great for my COMPLETE wellbeing.
3.5) Running for a great cause makes EVERYTHING so much better!
3.75) Running with my son made my heart happy!
4) Make sure to feed my body right!!!
5) Donʻt do backbends until I get better at yoga again...
Happy Nathaniel