Welcome to Thursdays edition of "Happy Nathaniel: The Blog" with your host Cousin Pili. I can't decide what to write today. One of "da Aunties" suggested I write about willpower. WOW. That's a little broad. I wanted to do another feature on one of my cousins but "girlfriend" didn't get back to me. (You know who I'm talking about, Kaeo.) I also could do a segment on the "Master Cleanse" and it's pros and cons.
Since my little Cousin Kaeo (text me!) didn't get back to me and the research I've found on WILLPOWER is astonishing and deserves more thought.... I'll talk about CLEANSING.
But first...
I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I am not a psychologist. I am not a counselor. I am not affiliated with any sort of health industry. You are reading this blog with the full knowledge that Pilialoha K. Nathaniel is not authorized by any school, institution or government to give health and medical advise. If you follow any advise in this blog it is at your own discretion and at your own risk. Okay? Nod if you agree. If you read anything past this paragraph that means you have nodded and you agree.
For those of you who know me know that I have done the MASTER CLEANSE every year for many years now. I highly suggest this CLEANSE. Note that I say cleanse and NOT DIET. This cleanse RESETS your body while giving it the very basic essential nutrients to survive. I did not do this to lose weight. I would though lose about TEN POUNDS everytime I would do it. BUT I WOULD GAIN IT BACK! This is because I have healthy eating habits and I didn't need to change them. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO NEED TO CHANGE--- CHANGE!!! Once done with any sort of cleanse the body is ripe for CHANGE. If you need to keep the weight down then YOU should take measures to do so. Every time I have done this cleanse I have felt more energized and well... CLEAN!
It takes enormous amounts of willpower to do a cleanse. It takes time and preparation to DO IT RIGHT. Once you are prepared and you START... the HARDEST PART is STICKING WITH IT. Keep a GOAL in mind. Remind yourself why you are doing the cleanse in the first place.
Do you need to get HEALTHIER?
Do you need to LOSE WEIGHT?
Do you just need CHANGE in your life?
What is your goal? Write it down and post it everywhere.
For more information on THE MASTER CLEANSE and HOW TO START, DO AND FEEL BETTER... go HERE. Please BUY THE BOOK and follow the directions. I will reiterate... FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!
HERE is wedmd.com's BAD review on the Master Cleanse and reason why you shouldn't do it. LOT'S OF VALID POINTS HERE...
Please read the articles above.
Have you read them? Okay. Good. Because I just did too. I DO NOT PROMOTE STARVATION DIETING. Do not starve yourself. It is not healthy. It is not good. Anorexia is a disease. (Go HERE for my views on starving and anorexia) And, now that I have read through webmd.com's take on THE MASTER CLEANSE do I suggest it? SORT OF... I suggest CLEANSING. I still believe that some bodies need a reset. IS THE MASTER CLEANSE THE BEST FOR YOU? I don't know that answer. You have to do what is best for you and your health.
Please read the articles above.
Have you read them? Okay. Good. Because I just did too. I DO NOT PROMOTE STARVATION DIETING. Do not starve yourself. It is not healthy. It is not good. Anorexia is a disease. (Go HERE for my views on starving and anorexia) And, now that I have read through webmd.com's take on THE MASTER CLEANSE do I suggest it? SORT OF... I suggest CLEANSING. I still believe that some bodies need a reset. IS THE MASTER CLEANSE THE BEST FOR YOU? I don't know that answer. You have to do what is best for you and your health.
The best suggestion that I have for you is to GO TO YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER and say, "Dr. Sonso, I would like to lose weight. I have heard that cleansing is a good way to start. Can you suggest some healthy ways to do this?" If your insurance covers it... WORK WITH A NUTRITIONIST.
What's best for me? Truthfully, I won't be doing the Master Cleanse anytime soon. Go HERE for my reasons why. I just wanted to let you know about it.
All else fails... just drink more water daily. You'll be surprised on how much healthier you'll be if you do just this one thing.
I'll end with this... CLEANSING isn't only about ridding your body of toxins. It's about ridding your MIND and HEART of the toxic gunk that you've swallowed and wallowed in. Take time to LET GO of the NEGATIVE. Negative thoughts, feelings and actions take too much time!
Love and hugs,
Cousin Pili
"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
What's best for me? Truthfully, I won't be doing the Master Cleanse anytime soon. Go HERE for my reasons why. I just wanted to let you know about it.
All else fails... just drink more water daily. You'll be surprised on how much healthier you'll be if you do just this one thing.
I'll end with this... CLEANSING isn't only about ridding your body of toxins. It's about ridding your MIND and HEART of the toxic gunk that you've swallowed and wallowed in. Take time to LET GO of the NEGATIVE. Negative thoughts, feelings and actions take too much time!
Love and hugs,
Cousin Pili
"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Also... don't forget to POOP WELL at least once a day. |
PS... Come back on Sunday for some WILLPOWER!!!
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